Physics Seminar

Physics Seminar


Title: CMOS, Thermoelectricity, Phase Change Memory and Phase Change Logic

Speaker: Ali Gokırmak (University of Connecticut)

Date/Time: May 6, 2015 Wednesday at 13:40

Place: Sabancı University, FENS L062

Bizarre things happen at small scales and the ability to manufacture devices with< 20 nm critical features sizes is now enabling new technologies that compliment CMOS. Some of these new technologies utilize electro-chemical (memristors) and electro-thermal (phase change memory) processes to store information. Phase change memory (PCM) is a resistive memory technology that compliments CMOS and offers the possibility of integrating a whole computer on a single chip, practically eliminating data access latencies and drastically improve computer performance. Write / erase operation of PCM is achieved through melting & freezing a nanoscale volume using electrical current (~1-10 MA/cm2) or annealing using lower current levels. The thermal gradients reach up to ~10K/nm while the local temperature goes up to ~900K giving rise to interesting electro-thermal effects. PCM cells can be cycled more than 106 times making them suitable for storage, while the target is to increase endurance to >1015 times to utilize PCM as non-volatile random access memory (RAM). This seminar will summarize some of the interesting electro-thermal processes, the operation of phase change memory devices and a recent invention: phase change logic devices.

Bio: Ali Gokirmak has received his BS degrees in Electrical Engineering and Physics from University of Maryland at College Park in 1998 and received his PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Cornell University in 2005. He has served as a postdoctoral research associate at Cornell for one year in the same group. He has been an assistant professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering (2006-2013) and associate professor (2013-now) at University of Connecticut. 

Contact: İsmet İnönü Kaya