QTNEL (Quantum Transport and Nanoelectronics Laboratory) is an experimental condensed matter physics group at Sabanci University. Our research is focused on the quantum mechanical phenomena in mesoscopic and nanometer-scale structures and devices. We perform experiments in a range of physical conditions like near absolute zero temperatures, high magnetic fields, and ultra high vacuum conditions. We fabricate our devices by nanofabrication techniques and characterize them by sensitive electrical measurements from DC to microwave frequencies. The active research studies in our group include the following areas:
Electronic Transport in low dimensional systems
The behavior of charge carriers under these extreme conditions represents transport regimes not only interesting for basic research but also adaptable for novel electronic and spintronic device applications. Transport experiments are mostly done on 2D electron systems such as graphene, MoS2, GaAs-based two dimensional electron gases (2DEGs), and InAs/GaSb bilayer quantum well heterostructures.
Publications: Solid State Communications 160, 47 (2013)
Nanoelectromechanical Systems (NEMS)
We pursue NEMS research for development of novel high-performance sensors and fabrication techniques to impact the sensor technology and nanotechnology. The research in this field is focused on development of ultrasensitive displacement sensors and their applications on the problem of detecting the mechanical quantum. These experiments involve nanofabrication and high frequency measurements at low temperatures and magnetic field.
Graphene OLED
Graphene based OLED displays. We develop up to 200 ppi Passive-Matrix-OLED displays with graphene anode electrodes. Graphene is grown in house by CVD. We design and fabricate the whole display modules in our lab.
Graphene Synthesis
We synthesize large area graphene (up to 30 cm) by CVD on copper foils and thin film nickel. We can transfer CVD graphene on various substrates for applications such as OLED displays. We exfoliate graphene from graphite for basic research. Our group has also started synthesizing graphene foam. For more information on quantum transport and nano electronics, please visit group's website.