Alhun Aydın »
Faculty MemberQuantum thermodynamics and transport, theory of quantum materials, nanoscale energy applications
Emrah Kalemci »
Faculty MemberHigh Energy Astrophysics, black hole binaries, instrumentation
Ersin Göğüş »
Faculty MemberHigh Energy Astrophysics: X-ray and Gamma-ray Properties of Magnetars, X-ray Binaries, Broadband Studies of Gamma Ray Bursts; Astronomy Education
Göktuğ Karpat »
Faculty MemberQuantum information theory, Open quantum systems Theory, Quantum Correlations
İnanç Adagideli »
Faculty MemberTheoretical condensed matter physics. Topological quantum computation. Spintronics and spin Hall effect. Topological insulators and superconductors. Mesoscale and nanoscale physics. Quantum transport theory. Quantum thermodynamics
İsmet İnönü Kaya »
Faculty Memberquantum transport, quantum devices, device physics, nanoelectronics, graphene, 2d materials, low temperature physics, OLED displays
Ünal Ertan »
Faculty MemberHigh Energy Astrophysics: Neutron stars, accretion disks, electromagnetic radiative processes
Zafer Gedik »
Faculty MemberTheory of quantum information and quantum computation, fundamentals of quantum mechanics.
Affiliated Faculty Members
Burç Mısırlıoğlu »
Affiliated FacultyOur research is centered around understanding the effects of defects and microstructure on the physical properties of functional oxides. Using continuum level computational and experimental approaches, we try to reveal the mechanisms by which defects and interfaces impact the physical properties and at what magnitude this occurs. Such knowledge is the key to design and fabricate structures in various geometries for specific engineering applications. The applications governed by such phenomena encompass macro- and micro-scale capacitors for electric energy storage, non-volatile solid state memories, nanoscale devices, electrothermal materials and electrooptical thin films.
Emre Erdem »
Affiliated FacultyPhysics of Materials; Spectroscopy (EPR, Raman, Photoluminesence, Impedance); Physical Chemistry; Solid State Physics; Graphene; Carbon dots; Semiconductors; Nanoparticles and Nanocrystals; Ceramics; Powder processing; Phase transitions; Photovoltaics; Solar cells; Thermoelectrics; Supercapacitors, Li-ion batteries; Piezoelectric nanowires and nanogenerators; Wearable electronics; Energy harvesting and storage; Electrical vehicles; Microelectronic systems; Battery management systems; Robot arms, Materials for grippers; Thin film batteries; Power to X technologies; Potentiostat; Electrolyte; Electrode for batteries and supercapacitors; Renewable energy, Batteries for Electrical vehicle; Defect structures
Gözde İnce »
Affiliated FacultyDesign and synthesis of biomaterials, smart materials for controlled drug delivery, functional coatings for biosensors and flexible sensors, smart membranes for separation, chemical vapor deposition of thin film coatings
Emeritus Faculty Members
Mehmet Ali Alpar »
Emeritus Faculty MemberNeutron Stars. Pulsars. X-ray binaries. Fallback disks.